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How do I change my branding?

Setting & changing the font, font colours, brand colours & logos within your storybooks.

Raymond Wan avatar
Written by Raymond Wan
Updated this week


This article will give you the basics of how the user and company branding controls and menus work. Please note that some of the options available are affected by the type of subscription you have, and the controls being allowed by your subscription's administrator(s). For any questions, please contact your subscription administrator, or contact us via in-app chat or via email at

If you want to change the fonts, font colours, brand colours, or update & change the logos for your company, you can do this from the "Company Controls" menu on the left of the dashboard page

If you'd like to make any or all of those changes for a specific user, you can do this from the "Brand" tab of "My Profile" under any user in the "Users" menu, by clicking on the user ID number for any visible account.

Colour Changes

Colour changes can be made under the "Brand Colours" tab in Company Controls, or for specific users under "Brand Colour" tab of the My Profile page for that account. The available options will be:

Cover pages:

  • Main Background: This is the colour of the bottom section of both the front and back cover pages.

  • Background Accent: This is the colour of the bar that separates the top and bottom sections of the front and back cover pages.

  • Cover Text: This is the colour of the text that appears on the front and back cover pages.

Interior Pages

  • Main Background: This is the page colour of the interior pages.

  • Background Accent: This is the colour of highlights that are found on the interior pages of certain templates.

  • Header Text: This is the colour of the titles and headers that appear in the interior of the storybook.

  • Body Text: This is the colour of the body text and any other text that may appear in the interior pages of the storybook.

Enter the Hex-code, CMYK or RGB colour value that you desire into each space, and you'll see the preview automatically update to show you how the books will look. once ready, click the save button to keep the changes.

Font Changes

Fonts can also be changed from below the brand colour options on both the company branding and individual account branding tabs.

There will be two dropdown menus, one for "Header Text" and one for "Body Text". “Header Text” applies to all titles and headers, “Body Text” refers to the body text and all other types of text found within the book.

To change the font style for your entire company, select the one you want for each version of text from the corresponding dropdown menu and then click “Save Brand Changes” at the bottom of the page to implement those fonts. If you're setting up the fonts for an individual, you can choose the "default" to match what is set up for the whole group in "Company Controls" or any of the other font options.

If you find your font is not available, please let us know, and send in the .otf or .ttf font files if available.

Logo Changes

You can set up the Company Logo and any additional Images from the "Company Controls" menu, and apply those logos currently saved to all users. Users who are newly created will automatically use the logos set up here.

When looking at an individual account, you can alter other logo options, depending on the level of access your subscription provides.

Company Settings

The last tab in the "Company Controls" page, allows you to give or restrict access on a wide basis for users to have the access to set up these branding options for themselves. by default, only admin users are given access, but fel free to provide users access here, or special individuals & groups of individuals through the check-box in the "Users" tab.

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